Jumat, 15 Mei 2009

how do you know me?

1. where you and i met?

2. how long have you known me?

3. the last time we saw each other?

4. your first impression of me upon meeting/seeing me?

5. am i funny?

6. what's my favourite music?

7. would you call me preppy, average, sporty, punk,

hippie, glam, nerdy, snobby, or something else (what)?

8. have you ever hugged me?

9. if there was one good nickname for me, what would

it be?

10. if you and i were stranded on an island, what would

i bring?

11. where do you think i will be in 25 years?

12. will you re-post this so i can fill this out for you?


mbak vieny...

udah dies re-post nieh....


4 komentar:

  1. heheheh........aku pernah dapet tag ini di FB

    *info ga penting bgt siy..

  2. 1.di FE tercinta
    2.mungkin baru 2 taon ya,diez..
    3.sabtu kmaren pas kita workshop
    4.ih niy anak putih banget siy..
    5.ya iyalah..apalagi kalo udah kim beum
    6.lagu2 lawas (ketik reg spasi lawas)
    7.funny ajalah dies, yang laen ga ngerti artinya
    8.belom kykny, ecek2an sering iyah??
    9.hantu korea...hihihi..
    10.foto2 kim beum ya?
    11.di korea?
    12.caranya acem?

  3. hehehe........
    thanks chiaki san....
    di co-past aja bu...
